Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Distance Learning-Communication

Communication Blog Post

Communication has evolved greatly over time in school. Innovations such as the computer and internet have made it much easier for distance learning to be possible. There are many online tools that aid in communication in relation to distance learning such as the internet, email, web cams, video casts, podcasts, chat rooms, and instant messaging. All of the advances have made distance learning possible. With distance learning, communication is essential. Since students do not actually sit in the classroom, they have to be able to connect with the instructor; the internet has made that possible.

The link above discusses how communication is essential in schools. The school in focus is not a distant learning school; however the same principals apply. Scott Johnson narrates; he discusses how there are varying types of communication in the school, internal and external. Internal communication deals with faculty where external deals with parents and students. Johnson discusses how the school was improved to make communication better and easier.

Dr. Steffen Schmidt narrates this video. He is a professor for an online class. He discusses how the online class should be treated the same as a regular, traditional class. The students come to class via the internet and Web CT. Dr. Schmidt talks about how students cannot neglect their studies because they are not in a classroom. It is important to stay in touch with your classmates and professor.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Module 1 Post

Simonson has excellent views on distance learning. I agree completely with him. He discusses the advances in the number of people partaking in distance learning over the past five years and his prediction that it will grow exponentially in the coming years. However, he explains that distance learning will not completely replace traditional education. He believes everyone will be included in the distance learning; this includes k-12, post secondary school, professional development, and trainings.

I agree with Simonson in so many ways. As the world changes so does school. Households are not what they used to be. Many families are single parent homes with working moms that need to return to school in order to make more money, but they don't have time. Distance learning is an optimal choice for them. The Internet and personal computer has offered many more options that were not available before. As society continues to advance, I believe schooling will too.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi! My name is Margaret McCullough, but I go by Holley. I teach 7th grade math at Evans Middle in Newnan, GA. I also coach the girls basketball team. We played our first game last week and won! They were so exicited!