Sunday, January 24, 2010

Module 4 Discussion

I think it is important to incorporate technology into the classroom; however, it must be done with planning. Having technology present in the classroom does not suddenly change things; the technology must be implemented correctly. My school is a Title one school and we have an abundance of technology. I like to incorporate technology as much as possible. I teach math, and I have a hard time getting them to understand the importance of studying and completing math homework. I use a comparison to texting, video games, and facebook. They seem to get the connection then. We also use laptops and computers on a weekly basis in each class.

For online learning I focused on the various aspects that I felt were important according to the resources we have explored. Here is a link to my graphic organizer

1. Wiki: Wikis are a great tool to set up a learning group and a small group. Wikis can be used to organize assignments in class, monitor participation, and small groups.
2. Blogs: Blogs are similar to wikis in their purpose for online learning. One might set up a blog as a journal entry on a topic throughout the course.
3. Learning Groups: Learning groups can be a great resource for students. They can provide help, feedback, and encouragement. Also, learning groups can be used to help break down a large class into smaller groups for learning.
4. Peer Evaluations: Peer Evaluation is a great tool. When working with a group or collaborating on an assignment, students can critic and provide feedback before the instructor grades the final product.
5. Group Projects: Group projects have the potential to be great if everyone participates. With group projects you can collaborate and work with each others strengths to put together the final product.

1. Vodcast: Vodcast are a great tool to present information in another form besides reading out of a textbook. Vodcast also reach the auditory learner.
2. Online Journals and Articles: From the convenience of home, students can look up journals and articles that are relevant to class. This can relive stress of not having to leave home and worry about having a magazine or reference book on your topic.
3. Modules: Modules help break down the course work. It makes it easier and organizes the work for the students.
4. Constructivist Learning: This is key in having students create an understanding instead of leaning by memorization. The student is actually applying it.
5. Relevant to Real Life: In completing this degree, most students are teachers, so the content can be related to the classroom and applied to our personal lives.

1. Choice:Choice is key to accommodating all learners. Each student is different and should be able to choose which method of assessment would best suite them.
2. Rubrics: Rubrics are a great tool to help the learner know if they are completing the requirements of the assignment.
3. Flexibility: Online learning allows flexibility for the student to complete assignments at his/her convenience.
4. Instructor Feedback: Instructor feedback is important to learning. This helps the students know what aspects of the assignment were satisfactory and which parts need improvement.
5. Computer Based: With advances in technology many tasks have become computer based. Online learning utilizes the computer.


  1. Margaret,

    Wonderful graphics. Mine is not as pretty and did not port wwll to the blogger. I see you did yours as a slide. Very inventive!

    I never thought about vodocast but you are right, you might want an audio and a visual for disability purposes.

    As for assessment, is it possible for each student to determine his own asessment? Could you grade 30 students that all had different assessment criteria? Or am I reading this wrong?


  2. I agree that technology needs to be implemented correctly into classrooms. Having strong teachers become change agents for the diffusion of technology in classrooms will also help with convincing the laggers in the staff to adopt the technology.

  3. I think it will take an immense amount of teacher training to really get effective technology in classrooms. Many teachers feel unsure about using it. Until districts see the importance of teacher training, lots of technology will just become pieces of furniture, like I see teachers using interactive whiteboards as movie screens., or with an overhead projector - doesn't that defeat the purpose?

    P.S. I love your graphic organizer!

  4. Kiana,

    With budget cuts in elementary schools, for art and meals before school, do you see our legislators making this a priority?


  5. Margaret,

    In a Title I school, do you find there are some students who don't have access at home to technology? How do you compensate for this in your assignments, if so?

  6. Everyone,

    Our President after cutting 28 out of 38 education programs is increasing the budget for ecucation or the 11 programs left. Hmmm?

    Does anyone else see a problem with this?

    Miss Marcia

  7. Hi Margaret, Is there a particular program or software that you use to cover content for math in your class? I know the videos and the tutorials that are narrated have been very helpful to my students. We have a new program at our school called First in Math for grades K-5 and the children love it. We have been using it in our district this year and the children are very competive when playing because scores are tallied by schools. I think the program is good because it reinforces what we teach in class. However, I think it has disadvantagous too. The students are allowed and encouraged to go on the site at home to help their class gain points. Many students do not have computers in their homes so they don't get as many points for the class total. For those students, it doesn't seem as fair. It covers content and gives them a quick assessment, but I think because of the way it is used so competitively it creates discouragement for those who can't earn as many points because they don't have the resources.
