Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Disruptive Power of Second Life

Virtual worlds something I do not quite understand. I have a facebook account and loved it while I was in college when it first gained popularity. Then all these new additions were added. It seems each day a new tool was added; things like FARM, and create your family, and have a pet all on facebook were not for me.

Virtual worlds have been a craze for many internet goers. People create an Avatar in a virtual world that might have a complex the developer wishes he/she could have. Often the Avatar reflects traits in a person that the developer did not experience in their childhood or young adult life, or a trait they are afraid to experience in real life. From researching virtual worlds, the Avatar and the human behind it, are often nothing alike.

Many people become addicted to this virtual world and forget the reality that awaits them when they sign off the internet. Second Life is a disruptive tool because many loose touch with reality and become consumed in the alter ego of the Avatar.

I think Second Life will continue for awhile. I see it becoming more advanced but not being replaced.

Many that participate in a place similar to Second Life lack true social skills. All the socializing they see is through the Avatar and Second Life. In some cases it becomes so extreme that the human behind the Avatar becomes confused and does not know the difference between the virtual world and “real life”. This is not true in all cases, but unfortunately it consumes some and destroys lives.

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