Friday, July 23, 2010

Module 4 Connectivism

Here is my mind map. I couldn't figure out how to make it larger with out it becoming blury. Here is the link to see it better!
Networking has influenced the way in which students learn by adding resources to the classroom. Students can take virtual field trips to famous land marks such as the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian Pyramids. Without the internet and abundance of classroom computers, students could not do this in the past. Students can learn and review material in new ways. A student can create a wiki to demonstrate their understanding of a concept. The wiki can be a group project where students collaborate with another class in a different state.
I often find that students become board faster with standard notes and lecture. With technology growing, students seem to be more focused on the high pace life. As teachers, I feel that we have to keep up with that. I am constantly trying to find new ways to teach a concept that goes beyond paper and pencil.

I have a smart board in my classroom; and I absolutely love it. I think it is the most valuable technology tool I have. I use it for notes, power points, videos, student work, and more. The students love to work problems out on it; I often use that as a reward for great work. The smart board encompasses so much into one item. Smart Technologies also has an abundance of tools, lessons, and resources available to enhance the smart board. I have become very reliant on mine!

In working on this degree in technology, I have been introduced to many new technology resources. I was not familiar with wiki’s or skype. I had heard of a Blog, but I had never used on before. When I had to complete assignments using these tools, I went to Google and researched how to use them. I found tutorials on what to do and how to do it. When the Smartboard was installed in my classroom, I had no idea how to use it. My students were the ones who showed me the basics until we had a training session.


  1. Margaret,
    Great map!! You certainly met the rubric requirements and then some. It was very well organized and made all of the elements easier to see and connect. In your narrative I enjoyed your thoughts on virtual field trips. And isn't it something how the students can teach us so much? It happens to me too and I love it.

  2. Followed your link to the Mind Map web site. The purple makes the words harder to see at my age. I would suggest putting them in "BOLD" or going for a lighter color. Board (bored), used on (one).

    A question: why use the Smart Board only as a reward and a method of teaching when you state that you have an abundance of tools, resources and lessons?

  3. I have to agree that having students teach you the basics of some technology gadgets can be a great tool. Once I realized that my students needed to see me "learning" something and that I didn't know everything but had the resources to find the answers, my classroom became a happier place.

    You mentioned your Smart board being a valuable tool. I feel the same about my Elmo. I was one of the first teachers to receive one for my classroom vs. having to share one on a cart and I have found it such a valuable tool. Being able to showcase student work, experiments, or web sites has brought a new wave of learning. It amazes me how well behaved my class will be if they are given the chance to be the teacher at the Elmo.

  4. Margaret, I like the layout of your networks! I would like to comment on IWB, like the SmartBoard. Even though I love the technology, I feel that IWBs do not empower learners to seek their own answers, i.e. the teacher is still the center of learning. How do you feel about each student having a device rather than a single IWB at the front of the class? Thank you

  5. I like the ideas that Shane is bringing to light. I had a smaller "smart pad" in my room. We passed it around the room to get everyone involved in the learning. This technology had an added benefit in getting shy students involved because they did not have to stand at the front of the class to show their "smarts". The students still had to look up front to get the material but the student could sit in the back out of view.
    Sometimes I would just had it off to someone in the back without the class even knowing.

  6. Shane and Eric,

    I have a smart pad and often pass it around as well in my classroom to let students have a chance to add to the conversation or work out a problem. I would love for each one of my students to have a devise to participate with. I have clickers, student responders, but I would love to take it a step farther with each kid having an IWB.

  7. sgudjonis,

    I too have an Elmo! I love it! It is amazing how certain tools can make us feel more confident about our ability!

  8. Earl,

    I don't only use the Smart Board as a reward. We use it each day for warm ups. My reward system involves letting the students practice teaching a concept with the smart board or getting to use the math tools. I use the smart board every day. The kids use it most days, but more in depth use comes as a reward. I should have been clearer!

    P.S. Sorry you couldn't read the map too well! I will use better fonts and colors next time!

  9. Networking has most definitely influenced the way in which students learn by adding resources to the classroom. With today's technology, there's so much that teachers can use to help introduce skills that need to be taught. Students can take virtual field trips and see different places around the world without actually leaving the classroom. Students can work on projects or assignments together using Google Docs. Wikis and blogs can be created and used a performance based learning and students can go and provide instant feedback on the information posted. There's so much technology to choose from that there's no way that we can say that there no collaboration or communication taking place.
